April 6, 2018: EPP-day
EPP Symposium

Every year, the EPP board commissions the organization of an annual EPP-day, in collaboration with the EPP educational committee. It is strongly recommended that all EPP researchers attend this special event. Main aim of the conference is to facilitate a platform where EPP members (both juniors and seniors) can meet and exchange ideas in an inspiring atmosphere. The program provides an up-to-date overview of the most exciting new research that is being conducted within the school. A prominent keynote speaker from outside the school is invited, who presents on a broad theme related to experimental psychopathology. In addition, the annual price for the best academic paper (“de artikelprijs”) is handed out to a promising young researcher

April 6, 2018


In de Driehoek, Utrecht, The Netherlands, http://www.indedriehoek.nl

Marieke Dewitte (UM), Marc Molendijk (LEI), Marije aan het Rot PhD (RUG)


09.30 – 11.00  Pitch your PhD Project
10.00 – 11.00 Coffee & tea for senior members / PhD students who do not participate in Pitch your PhD Project
11.00 – 11.15 Opening and introduction (by Peter Muris)
11.15 – 11.40 Freddy van der Veen (EUR, Rotterdam)  –  Dysfunctional responses to social feedback in (sub)clinical depression and substance abuse
11.40 – 12.05 Nicole Geschwind  (UM, Maastricht)  –  “Towards more positive emotions in the treatment of depression”
12.05 – 12.20 EPP Artikel Prijs
12.20 – 12.45 Lotte Gerritsen (UU, Utrecht) – Clinical application of neuroimaging for mood and anxiety disorders
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00   Award Honorary EPP membership to David M Clark and keynote lecture
15.00 – 15.20 Pitch your PhD Project
15.20 – 15.50 Coffee & Tea Break Jaap Lancee (UvA, Amsterdam) – CBT for insomnia is also effective for depressive complaints
15.50 – 16.15  Jaap Lancee (UvA, Amsterdam) – CBT for insomnia is also effective for depressive complaints
16.15 – 16.40 Yannick Boddez (UG, Groningen) – The presence of your absence: A conditioning theory of grief
16.40 – 16.50 Announcement Winner Pitch your PhD Project
16.50   Closing and Drinks (by Peter Muris)