

EPP day 2025

Every year, the EPP board commissions the organization of an annual EPP-day, in collaboration with the EPP educational committee. The annual EPP-day will take place on April 4th 2025 in Utrecht.

The main aim of the conference is to facilitate a platform where EPP members (both juniors and seniors) can meet and exchange ideas in an inspiring atmosphere. The program provides an up-to-date overview of the most exciting new research that is being conducted within the school. A prominent keynote speaker from outside the school is invited, who presents on a broad theme related to experimental psychopathology.

De Artikelprijs

An annual publication contest is organized for PhD students of the postgraduate school. In the academic year 2023-2024, the EPP article contest is organized for the 27th time.

In 2025, this annual price for the best academic paper will be awarded during the annual EPP Day.

Upcoming round

Articles concerning the academic year 2023-2024 (published, in press, or submitted between 1-9-2023- until 31-8-2024) can be sent to the EPP office before 1-11-2024 (ozschoolepp@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

These are the rules

  • Participation is only open for EPP PhD students (also those who worked as an EPP PhD student in the last academic year are included).
  • Only one article of which the PhD student is first author can be sent in.
  • Articles should be published, in press or submitted for publication in the academic year prior to the award (September 1st until December 31st).

A committee of reviewers from participating universities in EPP will review the submitted articles. On the basis of the jury assessments, the winner will be selected. The winner will be asked to give a presentation in English of the winning article on the EPP-Day 2025.


SEPTEMBER 17, 2021