EPP day 27th March 2020
Annual EPP Day

Every year, the EPP board commissions the organization of an annual EPP-day, in collaboration with the EPP educational committee. It is strongly recommended that all EPP researchers attend this special event. The main aim of the conference is to facilitate a platform where EPP members (both juniors and seniors) can meet and exchange ideas in an inspiring atmosphere. This year, we have invited 3 prominent researchers who will provide an up-to-date overview of their research lines. They will each give a talk of about 35 minutes, leaving 10 minutes for questions. We strongly encourage PhD students to ask questions in order to stimulate the interaction between the speaker and the audience. In addition, the annual price for the best academic paper (de artikelprijs) is handed out to a promising young researcher. And we give all PhD students the opportunity to present their work during the poster session.

March 27th 2020

In de Driehoek, Utrecht



Marieke Dewitte (UM), Peter Muris (UM)


9.30-11.00 u                Setting up the posters for the poster session.

For all members, there is coffee & tea available

11.00-11.15 u              Opening and introduction by Peter Muris

11.15-12.00 u             Frenk Peeters  –  IPT and CBT for depression going Dutch;

do they really share equally?

12.00-12.45 u              Bernet Elzinga  –  Family Matters in the field of Clinical Psychology

12.45-13.00 u              EPP article award

13.00-14.00 u              Lunch

14.00-14.45 u              Arnout Arnzt   –   An update of the theory underlying Schema Therapy

14.45-15.45 u              Poster session

15.45-16.00 u              Coffee break

16.00-16.15 u              EPP certificates ceremony

16.15-16.30 u              Announcement winners of poster award and closing remarks

by Peter Muris

16.30 u                        Drinks


Deadline: 27th of February