To celebrate the winning of a Gravitation Grant for our project New Science of Mental Disorders, you are invited for the kick-off and party on Friday, January 10.
Location: Groote Societeit, Vrijthof 36, Maastricht (
January 10th 2020
Groote Societeit, Vrijthof 36 te Maastricht
Scientific Kick-off
14.00 – 15.30 Dive into the secrets of Network Analysis – Eiko Fried
16.00 – 16.30 How it all started: Network Theory and Psychopathology – Denny Borsboom
16.30 – 17.00 New Science of Mental Disorders: the project – PI’s of the consortium
17.00 – 17.20 Reflections on EPP – Marcel van den Hout
17.20 – 17.30 Signing of the consortium agreement
Drinks & Bites
17.30 – 20.00 Buffet
20.00 – late Big party with DJ Antal van Nie
It is important that you register for the event. You can register for the whole program or parts of it. No matter what time you arrive. Note that the scientific kick-off program is restricted to 90 participants: first come, first served. PhD-candidates will receive 0,5 EPP-point if they join the scientific kick-off.
Extended deadline: December 31th 2019